GAIA First

GAIA FIRST is an international environmental NGO based in Paris, whose objective is to fight climate change and re-wild the oceans, with volunteers in more than 25 different countries. GAIA FIRST has two major actions or goals. The first includes a large scale environmental impact action, which consists of open ocean clean-up actions, collecting and converting the garbage patches into green energy and using it to self sustain the very clean-up activities. The second goal includes social impact actions such as raising awareness through regularly organised worldwide clean ups, webinars, events.

The open ocean clean-up action will be energy self-sustaining and in five years it will reduce the greatest garbage patch by 90%. The area of the ocean cleaned will not only revive in biodiversity, but also boost CO2 absorption, equaling to the replanting of the whole Amazonian forest as well as reinforcing the ocean’s cooling and climate control power.